Thursday, January 13, 2011

Missed Opportunities!!

its a funny thing how opportunities that u missed turn out to be the biggest IFs and BUTs of your life. the question always remains... "what if"... the result of that "what if" is always what u truly want in life and imagine it to be the 1 thing that would shape your life like no other. is that reality, of course not... that hope, desire, imagination of something so dear and awesome that u truly miss that moment when the opportunity presented itself and you looked away or sometimes didnt even acknowledge...
it doesnt matter when u realise that u missed THAT opportunity, its always going to be something that shakes you from the inside, something that u wld kick urself for the rest of your life, however things may turn out after that... that missed opportunity will keep reminding you of the important things in life and what u sld focus on.
what do u do after u realised the missed opportunity.. i hope and wish for everyone that they realise such a missed opportunity very sooner than later!! in time to be able to mold the future to the desired outcome of that missed opportunity. cause if thats not the case, it does take a lot of logic and very very little emotions to be able to fit that missed opportunity and more so the desired outcome into your present life and live it..
like they say.. life goes on and this shall too be looked upon as a learning experience to never take things for granted.. never assume.. and always always finish unfinished business... :) never leave any leaf unturned for what u think needs to be done. be it to close the chapter, take it ahead, be the bridge, find the connection... do it!! dont leave things to fate, leave it to yourself cause fate only gives u opportunities, u choose to miss them...
for those of us who see an opportunity go by and cant do anything to change it. we choose not to do anything to change it cause we care more abt what the other person wants n has decided than what we think needs to be done!!
In the light of an opportunity, is it ever alright to force someone else to change? i dont think so, its always right to influence, let the person choose to change. But exception to the rule.... if that someone is the most important person in your life who completes you... fight, drill, brainwash, force them to change only cause it makes them a better person and both of u together a better couple...

to fewer missed opportunities and even fewer life changing ones!! amen!! :)


XLNC said...

that is how life imitate a fantasy, happens so often, you almost wonder whether the 'Person Upstairs' constantly watches and listens !

There is something bettah in the store for u babes .. patience :)

incomparable said...

yup patience it is!! and enjoy what u have!! :)

GaUtAm sHaRmA said...

i aint a preacher(being a first timer living this life, you see;) ), but whats lost is lost...

the more you think about it(the what if moments), the more damned you feel :P

so just continue cursing your bad luck, while praying for better things to happen!! :P

incomparable said...

na gautam.. living ur life cursing something is not what i intend to do.. its not bad luck, its ur choice.. live with it and acknowledge it..
how do u not think abt something... thats like telling u not to breath. cant happen!! wont try it too...