Sunday, October 17, 2010

Crossword solved!! :)

Had the honor n previledge to hear Mr R Sriram, co founder crosswords at a TiE sceninar called ”my story”. Enlightning n entertaining, thought provoking and honestly inspirational.

A few personal take away!!

- Find an untapped need rather than a under served and served needs
-" wants" are much harder to cater to
- "geography is not history" still like google says!! :)
- lesson 1: simple training skills: take the books off n dust the entire shelf to get an idea abt what books are there
- lesson 2: recommendations used as a substitute for books that were not in stock
- lesson 3: find the right people to fill in skill sets u don't ve!! :)
- lesson 4: waldon (toro) - choose a name that unusual but simple, memorable..
- lesson 5: "dream, passion, belief n action"
- lesson 6: its the ability to ask the right questions can change the outcome of a situation to your favour n make u look at the situation in the right light.

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