Sunday, January 9, 2011

My Sel.. My Soul

Born on the 25th March, a water body,a  fish, an ariean.. someone who needs water to be calm and quite.. good that she stays in mumbai, an island... well don't be fooled, this lady is mad... crazy, out of this world and irritatingly sweet... her mind, her brain and her want to do the weirdest of things amazes everyone who hears of what shes doing. Sel, u make me want to do more with my life, with my time...
its because of you i found a grt friend in steph.. u brought him in to my life and i can see the wonderful effect he has on you n you on him!! :)

what u mean to me cannot be put in words... English dictionary hasn't got words to truly describe my feelings...  but out of the many words i know (which are really less) i want to tell you that i love you from the bottom of my heart, from my soul, from my gut, from every single thing in my body... u r for me more than anything that i ask for in this life...  

You are my soul, my love, my inner voice, my guardian angel... the person i come to at every point in my life, someone who's stood by me and has been there for me even when i was not looking.. u understand me and know my face and u read me, my voice and u tell me things i want to hear and more importantly what i do not want to hear. your my mirror, my devils advocate, my strength, my saviour and my person in alone time..  u dont question me... u know!! u let me tell u my story at a time that i feel comfortable to tell you.. which generally does happen!! 
You being there for me means the world to me and that everything will be all right... aur koi ho na ho, u r always there and i love that feeling..  i know as a default like breathing that v shall always be there for each other and u will always be my source of strength and inspiration!! :) i love u like no ends....
have enjoyed every moment we have spent together.. every laugh, every trick, every nightout, every trip, every fight and every phonecall (most of them that u have missed cause the phone was in ur bag and u were in ur world) :) and looking forward to countless of these!! :)

love u my girlfriends till time and eternity!!  


XLNC said...

SUPERB .. FANTASTIC .. BEAUTIFUL .. cant describe the post .. will come up wid an adjective sooon :)

Sel u deserve this :)

incomparable said...

thanx abhi! she means more to me than words can say!! :)

Unknown said...

super like!!! you lucky to have Sel n she is Lucky to have u :*