Sunday, April 20, 2008

A Thousand Splendid Suns - By Khaled Hosseini

If kite runner was a moving story, A Thousand Splendid Suns was over the top. This story not just reflected the tough times in Afghanistan during the taliban regime, also very beautifully tells the story of 2 individuals – Mariam and Laila. It also shows the world the situation and status of women in Afghanistan. What comes out of the book is an understanding of where Afghanistan was in its glory days and how war can ruin all that’s known to the locals. A fantastic tale of a country only known to people as the country that USA invaded. For someone like me, a woman enjoying the previledges of a better country and policies, having the freedom to choose what i can make of my life, this book makes me realise how lucky and how fortunate the woman in my country are to be able to lead the life i lead.

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