Tuesday, January 20, 2009

When life seems to be a rerun!!

sometimes life gets to a point when today seems the same as yesterday or the day before that or the day before that... routine is alright sometimes, u get up, get ready, go to work, come back, eat and sleep.. but when the traffic conditions along with the kind of cars are also the same on the road, it does become a rerun or a "deja vu" kinds..

Unfortunately the condition on the roads is so awesome, that u have the time to check out the colour, make, number plate, the toy handing off the rear view mirror, the seat covers and also the people with what they are doing.. u kinda develop a relationship with them, without them knowing.. they become ur road buddies.. :D
thats another blog taking abt road buddies and things that happen on the road and how u master the exact time to touch a place so that traffic is the least.. have a thesis on that which very surprisingly holds true and is proved everyday..

back to the reruns!!
reruns in a way are good, cause there no extra effort, its like sleeping.. u r so used to it that its just something u do.. no thought.. if life was all abt reruns, it would be life.. people will be in 1 state of mind forever which would be boring.. TV serials also have a limited reruns after which they run out their own life. but Exceptions always there - "Friends" those reruns dont die.. :)

going in for another rerun episode of my life.. going home!! :) catch u later in the 2nd repeat of the same rerun!!

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