Thursday, February 12, 2009

What goes around comes around!! ??

is it true!! is it really true that what goes around always comes around!!
are u in some way responsible for all the happiness and the sorrow that u face in life!! do u have a tallied balance sheet at the end of ur life!! should have asked my grandfather, is it time for u to die when u have balanced out ur life.. the goods to the bads, the joys to the sorrows.. when do u realize that and how do u know that ur sorrows and joys are equated cause to me the sorrows generally feel much bigger than the joys!! on hindside, only after the sorrows are gone do u realize that they needed to be there... profound thinking...

Anyways!! what i meant while thinking of that was more positive and happy!! If u r happy today, u have or would have done something good at some point in time in ur life.. The Geeta says that "karm kar phal ki iccha mat kar" which 2nds my thought of "what goes around comes around".. then the key item to this is PATIENCE. its not like good deeds come with a validity or a limited period offer, so u know that for this good deed done today, i shall be happy on this day in the future. u just have to wait and might never know that the happiness caused today was because of which good deed. :)

Another side to this line can be, what goes to another person, comes back to u from that person. so if u r good to someone, they inturn generally are good to u too.. which makes more sense and relevance. :) mite be thats why people in love generally make each other happy continuously, in more ways that one, in much higher magnitudes than before.. what goes around.. comes around!! :) too many new angels coming up with this thought... most times than less (at least with me) the level of involvement for 2 people are diff at the same time, which means that the magnitude of what goes around isnt the same as what comes around or cld also mean that what u give could mean a lot more than u think or intended too, which might be the reason for dissatisfaction, expectations not being met and the inequality in what goes around coming around. so how do u map that.. the solution to all of this is talking, communication.. (this is turning out to be a self-improvement life topic.. :D)..

third side to this line.. what abt the things that u do unknowingly, without the intention to hurt.. are circumstances or mistakes in life also counted as good deeds and bad deeds?? does that also come around and what if u r truly sorry for what happens and in some cases have paid the price for it too.. would that still come around??

bottom line, what goes around does come around, in more forms that one, in more ways that one, in diff magnitudes and appearance than one. so watch out the next time u yell at some telecaller, some bank exec, in the traffic, at ur friends.. they mite just give it back to u.. :)..

happy coming around!!


Nikhil said...

Interesting message Nirupama..Relevant to our times

Kitaabi Keeda said...

my take is;

1. thr r two kinds of things tat happen to us, 1. those tat r results of our own acts, 2. those tat happen anyway

2. one can apply logic (like u hve done) of 'what goes arnd...' types only to the 1st type. the 2nd type pf events are random n dont care wat u or anybody else thght or did.

3. so this logic of 'do gud n gud will happen to u' is naive, in my view. we hve engh exmples of gud ppl suffering thrgh life.

4. it is to ensure tat ppl behave tat this logic has been created, n the logic of other world, called heaven n hell. heaven n hell ensure tat my above argument can be explained away, tat those who despite doing evil here, enjoy life will suffer in hell.

5. my take in a sentence, 'do watever u want to, wat has to happen will happen, sometimes to ur liking,at othrs not so'

6. wat u choose to believe, however is not necessarily related to reality. so u can choose to believe in 'doing gud'. but to then expect 'gud thngs' to happen to u becoz of tat is naive.

7. however 'doing gud' has its own benefits. wen done witout expectations of returns (like anythng in life) it leads to satisfaction (also called happiness by some). we do some things in ths spirit. how to apply this to all areas of our life is somthing nobody is clear abt :-)

8. u do a gud job of 'doing gud' anyways :-), n i am sure only good things will come across ur way...
