Monday, June 1, 2009

Customer care stories... Preface

i am now using my blog to do my bit for betterment of mankind.. (kinda not possible cause my blogs read only by my friends who are in the same field as me and also in the same state as me.. ) 

i am going to write abt all the fantastic and unique customer care stories my friends and i are having.. ranging from service industries to ur normal pan tapri guy on every street!! lets see how these stories go... u never know mite just end up compiling a book on this also.. hahahah

it all started with my friend Abhishek telling me that because i had soooooooo many experiences with cc execs and generally blew my top, i sld write abt them... so cause it was his idea, his exp is what i pen down 1st.

also, i will not be masking names and details.. this is my blog and i truly holly swear by its authentication and back each work that i write.

also to make it clear, these are just stories - incidents that are heartfelt, time consuming and wasted (may i add) true stories of innocent hardworking people, no claims, no feedback requests, no finger pointing.. :)) 

exaggeration is allowed and to an extent expected... and facts can be skewed.. i dont remember details very well.. look at the bigger picture!! details can be twisted!! :D

Disclaimer: "All characters in this blog are not fictitious, and any resemblance to anyone, dead or alive, is purely coincidental and intended."

1 comment:

XLNC said...

nice start huny :P

i still insist that u need to write a book and give a copy to Ms. Chanda Kochhar, so that she can handover the same to the Head of Customer Service.

i hope there are few more to come :)